/* * vvts, is framework use vue3 + vite4 + typescript. * Copyright (C) 2023 guoqing22 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import Layout from "@/views/layout/index.vue"; const routes = [ { path: "/layout", name: "layout", component: Layout, // redirect: '/powerPage', meta: { title: "layout", }, children: [ { // 首页 path: "/homePage", name: "homePage", component: () => import("@/views/pages/homePage/index.vue"), meta: { title: "首页", }, }, { // 分布式光伏页面 path: "/pvPage", name: "pvPage", component: () => import("@/views/pages/pvPage/index.vue"), meta: { title: "分布式光伏页面", }, }, { // 车网页面 path: "/carPage", name: "carPage", component: () => import("@/views/pages/carPage/index.vue"), meta: { title: "车网页面", }, }, { // 光储充页面 path: "/OpticalStoragePage", name: "OpticalStoragePage", component: () => import("@/views/pages/OpticalStoragePage/index.vue"), meta: { title: "光储充页面", }, }, { //能量调节页面 path: "/CapacityAdjustmentPage", name: "CapacityAdjustmentPage", component: () => import("@/views/pages/CapacityAdjustmentPage/index.vue"), meta: { title: "能量调节页面", }, }, ], redirect: "/homePage", }, { //负荷管理页面 布局loadlayout path: "/LoadManagementPage", name: "LoadManagementPage", component: () => import("@/views/LoadManagementPage/loadlayout.vue"), meta: { title: "负荷管理页面布局", }, children: [ { //负荷管理页面 index path: "/LoadManagementPage", name: "LoadManagementPage", component: () => import("@/views/LoadManagementPage/index.vue"), meta: { title: "负荷管理页面", }, children: [ // 方案录入及群组管理 { path: "/ManagementProgramInput", name: "ManagementProgramInput", meta: { title: "方案录入及群组管理", }, children: [ { // 负荷管理方案录入 path: "/LoadManagementProgramInput", name: "LoadManagementProgramInput", component: () => import( "@/views/LoadManagementPage/LoadManagementProgramInput.vue" ), meta: { title: "负荷管理方案录入", }, }, { // 方案录入及群组管理 path: "/RequirementsRespondToUserInput", name: "RequirementsRespondToUserInput", component: () => import( "@/views/LoadManagementPage/RequirementsRespondToUserInput.vue" ), meta: { title: "方案录入及群组管理", }, }, { // 群组管理 path: "/GroupManagement", name: "GroupManagement", component: () => import("@/views/LoadManagementPage/GroupManagement.vue"), meta: { title: "群组管理", }, }, ], }, // 负荷资源监测 { path: "/LoadResourceMonitoring", name: "LoadResourceMonitoring", meta: { title: "负荷资源监测", }, children: [ { // 城南地区及管理区域负荷监测 path: "/LoadMonitoringManagementArea", name: "LoadMonitoringManagementArea", component: () => import( "@/views/LoadManagementPage/LoadMonitoringManagementArea.vue" ), meta: { title: "城南地区及管理区域负荷监测", }, }, { // 分组负荷监测 path: "/GroupLoadMonitoring", name: "GroupLoadMonitoring", component: () => import("@/views/LoadManagementPage/GroupLoadMonitoring.vue"), meta: { title: "分组负荷监测", }, }, { // 用户负荷监测 path: "/UserLoadMonitoring", name: "UserLoadMonitoring", component: () => import("@/views/LoadManagementPage/UserLoadMonitoring.vue"), meta: { title: "用户负荷监测", }, }, ], }, // 方案执行日前准备 { path: "/PreparationBeforeDate", name: "PreparationBeforeDate", meta: { title: "方案执行日前准备", }, children: [ { // 执行用户圈选 path: "/SelectAllUsers", name: "SelectAllUsers", component: () => import("@/views/LoadManagementPage/SelectAllUsers.vue"), meta: { title: "执行用户圈选", }, }, { // 圈选用户可调负荷展示 path: "/CircleUserAdjustableLoadDisplay", name: "CircleUserAdjustableLoadDisplay", component: () => import( "@/views/LoadManagementPage/CircleUserAdjustableLoadDisplay.vue" ), meta: { title: "圈选用户可调负荷展示", }, }, ], }, // 方案执行期间负荷监测 { path: "/LoadMonitoringDuringProgrammeImplementation", name: "LoadMonitoringDuringProgrammeImplementation", meta: { title: "方案录入及群组管理", }, children: [ { // 全量圈选用户负荷执行监测 path: "/FullSelectedExecutionMonitoring", name: "FullSelectedExecutionMonitoring", component: () => import( "@/views/LoadManagementPage/FullSelectedExecutionMonitoring.vue" ), meta: { title: "全量圈选用户负荷执行监测", }, }, { // 群组执行情况监测 path: "/GroupPerformanceMonitoring", name: "GroupPerformanceMonitoring", component: () => import( "@/views/LoadManagementPage/GroupPerformanceMonitoring.vue" ), meta: { title: "群组执行情况监测", }, }, { // 用户执行情况监测 path: "/UsersPerformanceMonitoring", name: "UsersPerformanceMonitoring", component: () => import( "@/views/LoadManagementPage/UsersPerformanceMonitoring.vue" ), meta: { title: "用户执行情况监测", }, }, ], }, // 常用报表 { path: "/usefulPage", name: "usefulPage", meta: { title: "常用报表", }, component: () => import("@/views/LoadManagementPage/usefulPage.vue"), }, ], }, ], }, { //智能配电站房页面 path: "/IntelligentStationhouse", name: "IntelligentStationhouse", component: () => import("@/views/IntelligentStationhouse/index.vue"), meta: { title: "智能配电站房页面", }, }, // 登录页面 { path: "/login", name: "login", component: () => import("@/views/login/index.vue"), meta: { title: "登录页面", }, }, { path: "/", redirect: "login", }, ]; export default routes;